Meet New People and Make New Friends – June MeetUp By


Do you want to make new friends to hang out with this summer? Nowadays, there are many apps to find new besties in the town, but there is something better – a real-life event for meeting them.’s MeetUp this Thursday will make Brno’s expats and locals get social again.

You can get into community where you’ll naturally meet a lot of people you already have something in common with. The MeetUps are always packed with want-to-be-social expats. English speakers who live under the same conditions exchange their opinions on daily topics and issues. “Some people attend our MeetUp regularly – they know other people who usually join, want to see them again, they know us – the organizers – and they know we always prepare some activity or a game they can enjoy.” explains Lucie Pátková, Public Relations Manager at

Nowadays, the MeetUps are quite popular among the community here. How did it all begin? The original idea behind MeetUps was to bring expats together and give them the opportunity to talk to each other, exchange experience, and make new friends. The meetings are always informal and relaxed. “We try to create atmosphere that encourages people to open up and feel familiar with each other”, explains Lucie.

Czech locals go to the meetings, too. They like to meet new friendly people and have chats in English. Literally everyone is welcome to show up. Lucie mentions that there are no age limits when it comes to the MeetUps, either “One lady was in doubts and asked us if she can join – she is a 73 years old widow. We told her ‘for sure!’.”

June MeetUp By is on June 8, 2017 at 7 PM. The meeting point is Pizzerie Alcapone Brno. Get ready for some real good Italian pizza and wine, community chatter, and fun games!

Find the Facebook event page, here.

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