06/24 – 06/28 Olympic Games for Children and Youth 2017 in Brno


Czech Summer Youth Olympic Games 2017 will be held in Brno. The 8th Czech youth games feature 22 various sport disciplines and a one art competition (video and films). Photo: ODM

The games will host more than 4 500 young sportsmen from all regions of Czech Republic. The building of Business Department of Brno University of Technology will serve as Olympic House for the event and a center of the Olympic Village.

In days from June 24 to June 28, there will be tons of events and competitions; all of them are free to attend for the public. You can look forward to cheering at sports games as athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, cycling, hockey, football, handball, sailing, karate, roller skating, gymnastics, swimming, gymnastics, shooting, table tennis, synchronized swimming, tennis, triathlon, or volleyball; the list goes on.

Olympic Movement aims to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

In the Olympic village, as a part of the accompanying program, you will have a chance to engage into a variety of sport activities, including beach volleyball, mini soccer, badminton, self-defense practice, and get to know the fundamentals of magic. The activities will be held on the territory of the Olympic Village that will be open from June 25 to June 28, from 10 am to 7 pm.

On Saturday, June 24, there will be an opening ceremony, which is unfortunately closed to the public for safety reasons as the event is expected to host about 4500 athletes and coaches. For a more detailed schedule of the competitions, visit the official website.

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