Brno Gourmet Guide 2017 Released – Get it for Free


Wondering where to head for dinner with your friends or where to organize a company event your colleagues will never forget? Look no more. “Gourmet Brno” guide 2017 has just been released.

The Tourist Information Center (TIC) invited twenty one experts to evaluate 57 gastro-businesses and prepared a gourmet map of Brno.

Gourmet Brno divided places in seven categories; restaurants, cafes, wine bars, pubs, pastry shops, bars, and bistros. The last category is new and was created on readers’ demand. 21 culinary experts visited incognito the stores and chose one winner for each category.

The best restaurant category won KOISHI for the second year in a row. KOISHI restaurant serves seafood, fish dishes and Japanese sushi. The restaurant located on Údolní street has excellent reviews from its visitors. “Fantastic fish. Their sushi chef is outstanding and the best in Brno,” writes one of them. Other visitor adds “Koishi is one of the best luxurious restaurants dedicated to prepare first rate sushi. Maybe even the best. So do not be surprised by the price range. It is a great place for a date or a business meeting though.”

The category of pubs was clearly dominated by Výčep Na stojáka that has turned Jakubské Square in a vibrant place with unique laid-back, nearly street-fest atmosphere in the summer. The judges didn’t forget to appreciate Stopkova pivnice on Česká street, too.

4pokoje [Czech for “Four Rooms”] was the winner of bistro category with an impressive score of 98%. 4pokoje has recently opened on Vachova street and it has soon become a favorite place for Brno’s night hawks. 4pokoje, as the name suggests, combines four types of facilities – cafe, bistro, bar, and club. The place stays open almost non-stop and its menu and prices change with time of the day.

The best cafe in Brno is Café Momenta. Café Momenta at Zelný trh 2 is “small, but nice and cozy espresso bar offering good quick bites and superb desserts,” as reads on of its first reviews on Google. “They make their own awesome cakes that score 5 stars alone,” says another visitor.

PETIT CRU wine bar & shop, just a few steps away from KOISHI, is the winner among wine bars. It’s a good place to end the evening after a good dinner.

The winner of bar category is Super Panda Circus located at Šilingrovo Square. Mysterious bar, hidden behind golden-violet curtains is “gateway to another world,” writes Gourmet Brno. The concept of Super Panda Circus is based on discovering new flavors and new gourmet experiences. The second came Bar, který neexistuje [Czech for: “Bar that does not exist”]; cozy and intimate Rotor Bar got the third place.

The complete guide is free to get either online here or in its printed version at the Tourist Information Center on Panenská Street.

Title Picture: Pexels

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