07/14 Baseball: Kotlářka Praha against Draci Brno


Friday, July 14 the baseball stadium of Draci Brno in Komarov hosts one of the biggest rivals of Brno’s club – Kotlářka Praha. On Friday, Kotlářka team plays in Brno and on Saturday, in Prague.

In the outgoing season, Brno’s team holds the first place in the leaderboards. Kotlářka Praha keeps the 6th position. Friday match is very important for Brno team as their contender, Arrows Ostrava, is breathing down their neck – only 2 points in the leaderboards.

Draci Brno [‘Dragons of Brno’] club was established in 1972 and has been in the Czech Extraliga since 1993. Draci are winners of European 2016 League. Kotlářka and Draci have faced off in the finals for the past four years.

When: July 14, 19:00
Where: Sokolova 2.

Title picture: By Jiří Sedláček (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Note: The article was corrected July 14. The home stadium of Draci Brno is in Komárov district, not at Kraví Hora.

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