07/20 International Summer Picnic – Everybody is Welcome to Join!


Join a good company on a warm summer evening and enjoy picnic goodies this Thursday at Lužánky.

Pack your blanket, cook some good meal or buy your favorite snacks. Brno Expat Center (BEC) will provide soft drinks and wine.

Katerina Banova and Lucia Konopkova from BEC promise to prepare home made snacks and entertainment for kids – fun picnic games and creative crafts.

“If you have fun cooking, you can prepare food popular in your country. But it’s fine, if you just buy something, too,” say the organizers.

The weather is supposed to be just perfect for evening picnicking, 26 °C. “In case the weather isn’t as sunny as we’d love it to be, we’ll retreat to a nearby cafe ‘Ponava’,” the organizers plan carefully.

The event is free, drop in and have fun!

Date and time: July 20, 6pm – 10pm

Meeting point: fountain at Lužánky park, close to the central building.

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Brno Daily is happy to officially support this event.

Title picture: BEC Event 2016; published with permission of BEC.

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