Czech PM, Other Politicians Condemn Barcelona Attack


Prague, Aug 18 (CTK) – Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka has said on Twitter that the van plowing into a crowd in Barcelona today is another “outrageous terrorist attack on innocent people.” Photo: Pixabay

Thirteen people died and some 80 were wounded in the attack, for which Islamic State has claimed responsibility.

Apart from Sobotka, the attack has been condemned by other Czech politicians.

“I feel compassion for the victims’ families and I wish a quick recovery to the wounded,” Sobotka (Social Democrats, CSSD) tweeted.

Similarly, Chamber of Deputies chairman Jan Hamacek (CSSD) wrote on Twitter that he condemns the “outrageous and cowardly terrorist attack in Barcelona.”

“Unfortunately, no security measures are 100-percent reliable, but it is good that we continue reinforcing them,” Hamacek wrote.

“We must switch from words to deeds and stop the repugnant terrorism,” Czech Regional Development Minister Karla Slechtova (for ANO) said in reaction to the Barcelona attack, but did not elaborate.


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