New Parking House to Grow Near Bohunice Hospital


A new seven-floor car parking lot should solve the traffic problem in the area of Bohunice Hospital. Photo: Pexels

Brno, August 18 (BD) – The new parking lot should offer more than 1,000 parking spaces and should cost approximately one hundred and seventy million crowns. The Brno municipality wants to construct it in the immediate vicinity of the Bohunice Hospital.

“There is a lot of traffic at the junction and it’s going to be worse. Nearly a thousand new apartments will be available in the area, and the construction of the department store in Osova Street will be soon completed too”, Bohunice Mayor Antonín Crhy said to

The plan has its critiques. The former Mayor of Bohunice Milos Vrazel is against the construction of the parking lot in the specific area too as it will negatively affect the traffic flow.

Construction of the new parking house will not improve the traffic at the area but it’ll make it worse, the Mayor stated. “I would have chosen a different place for the parking lot”, he added.

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The City Hall pointed out that the project is now in the primary phase of discussion between the involved parties such as the city districts, transport company, managers of Brno Communications and the South Moravian Region.

After considering the opinions and comments of all the involved parties, the municipality will proceed with selecting the contractor of the project and then construction itself. “The construction is expected to begin in 2019,” Zuzana Taušová from Brno Municipality Office said to

The University Hospital management is positive towards the new parking lot because of the new maternity hospital that construction will start at the end of this year. “It will certainly help patients and relatives who come to visit,” said the director of Bohunice hospital Roman Kraus.

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