South Moravia Counts 17 Traffic Accident Victims This Summer


Seventeen people have lost their lives due to traffic accidents in southern Moravia since the beginning of July. Photo: Pexels

Brno, August 24 (BD) – The number of deaths since the beginning of summer holiday on South Moravian roads is already higher than in the previous years for the whole summer.

The most tragic accident this summer and the third most tragic accident in South Moravia in the last fifteen years happened at the first weekend of July at the village of Vnorov in Hodonín. The two cars involved in the accident crashed onto each other costing the life of 4 out of 5 passengers. The only survivor was heavily injured and was air transferred to Bohunice University Hospital.

According to Brnensky denik, the driver of one of the cars consumed alcohol before driving.

The police is not able to explain its causes, yet. “We are still investigating the accident”, Petr Zámečník, police spokesman said.

Only that weekend in South Moravia five people died on the roads. A 22-year-old biker died in a traffic accident on Friday, June 30th 2017. Between the villages of Nesvačilka and Žatčany in Brno, he was hit by a passing van.

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