‘Kiss and Ride’ On Kounicova


Planned rearrangement of the parking area on Kounicova will eliminate six parking spaces. Photo: Martin Strachoň via Wikimedia Commons

The parking area across Kounicova street will undergo changes after Sokol sports centre management requested alterations to make the street more safe and convenient for their students, visitors and passers-by.

The rearrangement of the parking area will eliminate six parking places and the rest will operate in a limited mode. A kiss and ride parking system will be introduced and it will apply afternoons and evenings.

According to Sokol’s vice-president Michal Doležel, the kiss and ride system is important due to sports and cultural events in the area. “It is necessary to balance the interests of both residents and visitors,” he said to Denik.cz.

While the management of Sokol is satisfied with the plan, the residents seem to be disappointed with the new system as it will make the situation there more complicated.

According to Tomáš Kyncl from the nearby street Zavodni, the situation for the inhabitants of the area is already very complicated. “It is not clear if the new adjustment will set up a residential parking. I do not even agree with kiss and ride parking until ten o’clock in the evening”, he shared with Denik.cz.

Brno Car Association Chairman Jan Mandát notes that the reduction of parking spots in the busy street is bad news and the restriction of kiss and ride parking is too long.

Kateřina Dobešová from Brno Town Hall explained that the rearrangement of the parking will take place in two phases. The first one is the repairation of the street. The plan aims to increase safety for pedestrians and children.

The repairs are expected to begin this September and finish at the end of November. The pedestrian space across the street is expected to be increased.

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