
Do you like wine as much as you like coffee?  A new unique wine promises to please all wine and espresso enthusiasts. Photo: Pixabay

Brno, Sep 27 (BD) – Vinařství Maděřič is a winery located in Moravský Žižkov. The special coffee-wine goes by name “Cowein”.

South Moravian region accounts for around 96% of the country’s vineyards, which is why Czech wine is more often referred to as Moravian wine. Moravian wines have become highly popular for their freshness, attractive harmonic aroma and high quality.

The wine has a distinctive aroma of coffee. When one tries it, he first smells the beautifully roasted coffee. And when it comes to tasting, the coffee flavor is followed by chocolate,” Jiří Maděřič, the creator of the unusual coffe-wine explained to Ivana Solaříková from the czech on-line daily iDnes.cz.

The combination might sound unusual but the taste of coffee and wine is beautifully blended, Jiří Maděřič assures. The idea of ​​making this unconventional wine was born in the spring during a business trip to the United States of America.

“I was surprised by the smell and how well the coffee aroma was incorporated into the wine. I told myself that as soon as I come home, I must try it,” the winemaker shared.

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“I like to experiment, I’ve always enjoyed playing with wine,” Maděřič says. There are various wines, such as famous “Koziňon”; a wine drink with black syrup people nicknamed “Kozičky” which means goat or slang for breasts.


“Selecting coffee was more difficult than I thought. Not every coffee is good. We use pure Arabica beans from East Timor. In addition, we require the fair-trade certification. And most of all we grind the coffee exactly to our needs,” Maděřič adds in the interview for iDnes.cz.

The wine contains the mix roasted coffee beans that release as many flavors as possible. The wines from Vinařství Maděřič can be bought also on-line, for example, in wine on-line shop Mojelahve.cz.

“Cowein” is not the only special wine available in south Moravia.

Lavender wine has gained popularity among wine drinkers and is usually available in wine markets in Brno. Chili wine and other fruit wines are also popular and people seem to enjoy them as much as the ordinary yet excellent Moravian wines.

You can find out more information on the official website of Czech & Moravian wines: Wineofczechrepublic.cz.

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