Get fluent at Speak Easy


“I know a lot of vocabulary and I understand the grammar, but I just can’t get it out!”

Brno, Dec 15 (BD) – Anyone who has ever tried to learn a foreign language can relate to this oft-cited frustration of language learners. With few exceptions, the ability to speak tends to be the last aspect of language learning to become fully developed. Unfortunately, it may also be the most important.

Trying to use your foreign language when you know it is underdeveloped can be embarrassing, and this can lead to a reluctance to use it, which is obviously not going to help the situation. If only there were a supportive atmosphere where you could practise speaking your second language and get over your fear of appearing foolish!

That time has come, as Brno Speak Easy will soon hold their third ever event. Language aficionados from Brno will congregate at Scala Cinema (Univerzitní kino Scala), indicate which language(s) they would like to practice, and the organisers will set up language-specific tables at which you can practice the language of your choosing. The topic of conversation is flexible, and you can move about if you like. There is just one rule- speak that table’s language!

The first two events were wildly successful, and there are already contingents of English, Czech, French, Italian, Spanish, Basque and Russian speakers committed to Brno Speak Easy. The organisers hope to see it flourish to the extent that Speak Easy in Prague, on which it is based, has grown.

January’s Speak Easy is tentatively scheduled for 12 January 2018, but follow them on Facebook to get notifications and confirmation of the date of this event.

Admission is free, but it is of course courteous to buy a drink or two for use of the premises.

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