A new poll in Brno to find out where the citizens want the central station


The public opinion poll for about CZK 400,000 was prepared by Brno’s architect’s office. Photo: @BrnoDaily

Brno, Jan 30 (BD) – “Brno’s representatives promised to take into account the opinion of the citizens when deciding on the location of Brno’s Central Railway Station. The poll will help to find out the citizens’ preferences,” architect’s office spokeswoman Jana Běhalová said, according to Brnensky Denik.

The survey of public opinion in Brno is currently being conducted by the company Focus. Focus should elaborate the data and deliver a summary report in February, transport web Z Dopravy writes.

“It [the summary report] serves as a basis for the decision of the deputies on the location of the station. The deputies will meet and decide at the end of February, ” Běhalová said.

Representatives of the South Moravian Region voted about the future location of the city’s main transport hub Jan. 15, 2018. They will recommend a variant “at the river” to the Czech government.

The standpoints of the regional representatives and the City Council will be submitted to the Ministry of Transport. The ministry will add its own recommendations, and the matter will be sent for a final decision to the Czech government in the first half of 2018, Z Dopravy explains.

The office of the city’s architect and his team recommend the variant “at the river”. “The central station at its current location has been operating at its maximum capacity for 20 years; its capacity is not sufficient either for trains or passengers. If we want Brno to evolve we must

build a new railway station at the river. We will build it 10 years earlier, cheaper, and with the smallest impact on the life in the city during the construction, ” the city’s main architect, Michal Sedláček. stated in a press release.

Brno’s citizens have already expressed their views on the location of the Central Railway Station in two referenda. Both have been considered invalid due to the low number of participants.

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