2/2 Traditional Georgian dances in the National Ballet “Sukhishvili”


The Georgian National Ballet “Sukhishvili” is coming to Brno’s Bobycentrum on Friday, February 2. Photo: Sukhishvili.pl

The “Sukhishvili” Ballet was created 70 years ago. It is based on traditional Georgian dances, combined with contemporary steps. Elements of martial arts, acrobatics and colorful costumes can be found in the performance.

The ballet has been widely acknowledged around the world, being called the „best Broadway show“ and the “Eighth Wonder of the World“, the organizers write.

The team consists of more than 100 dancers and its own orchestra. So far, the members have traveled to 90 countries on five continents, and have held thousands of performances in front of several millions of viewers.

Become one of them by booking your ticket here for prices ranging from 990 to 1790 CZK. You can find more information about the event on this link.

Where: Bobycentrum – Laser Show Hall, Sportovní 2a, Brno
When: Friday, February 2

Video: SUKHISHVILI. Narodowy Balet Gruzji. HD Promo-film

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