8/2 Celebrate Sweater Day


Ever heard of Sweater Day? In the early 2000s, it was established as a worldwide holiday to get people thinking and talking about energy conservation. Photo: Pixabay

Sweater Day is a holiday often celebrated in Canada, the Netherlands and other countries with cool climates. It serves as a reminder that when we put on our sweaters, we can turn the thermostat down, and therefore save some of our precious energy resources.

This year, the Veronica Foundation, a non-governmental organisation based in Brno, confirmed that Brno would join in the celebration of this holiday, announcing that Sweater Day will be observed on Thursday, February 8th.

Visitors to their shops will be able to purchase sweaters at a 66% discount.

On their Facebook page, Veronica Foundation encourages consumers to embrace the warm sweaters and keep in mind that a whooping 66% of all energy in Czech households is consumed for heating.

You can buy a discounted sweater at their shops at Panská 9, Pekařská 38 and Palackého třída 25.

Furthermore, you can enter a competition for a prize awarded by the Hostětínský mošt. To enter the competition, send the Veronica Foundation a photo of yourself at home in a sweater, or hashtag the photo with #densvetru on Instagram or Facebook.

Good luck and happy energy-saving!

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