2/3 Trekking Northern Scandinavia with Harim Ahonen


The Scandinavian House, in cooperation with the Moravian Library, invites you to a lecture by Harri Ahonen, a Finnish adventurer and photographer. Photo: Pixabay

Ahonen spends his time exploring the Scandinavian nature, and during this lecture, he will focus on trekking routes of northern Finland, Norway and Sweden.

He will introduce the visitors to these countries’ nature, national parks, animals, accommodation in huts and transportation, as well as provide tricks and tips on hiking routes that are worth visiting.

The lecture will be held in English.

The entrance is free. You can find more information in the Facebook event.

If you happen to be out of Brno on Friday, maybe you can catch the lecture in Prague the day after (Saturday, March 3). Find more information click here.

When: Friday, March 3

Where: Moravská zemská knihovna, Kounicova 65a, Brno

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