Visualisations: new park on Rooseveltova Street


The Town Hall of Brno-střed has chosen the best design in the architectural and urban planning competition “Roosevelt Park in Brno”. Visualisation: The future park on Rooseveltova street. Source: Winning proposal by Ing. arch. Jiří Vokřál and his team.

Brno, Mar 20 (BD) – The jury was most interested in a proposal by Ing. arch. Jiří Vokřál, Ing. Michaela Tománková, and Ing. Ján Augustín.

Six proposals were submitted during the period of the competition, from 23/10/2017 to 19/01/2018.

The winning proposal will serve as a basis for future decisions on the development of the park and its surroundings, or as a basis for a possible change of the urban plan of the City of Brno.

Photo: The park on Rooseveltova street today. Source: Winning proposal by Ing. arch. Jiří Vokřál and his team.

The goal is to create an open city park for relaxation.

“The aim of our project was to create a functional urban solution that leads to the openness of the park and the establishment of logical pedestrian routes,” Ing. arch. Jiří Vokřál commented.

Visualisation: The future park – view from Rooseveltova street. Source: Winning proposal by Ing. arch. Jiří Vokřál and his team

Visualisation: The future park – bird’s-eye view. Source: Winning proposal by Ing. arch. Jiří Vokřál and his team

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