New parking system in Brno’s historical centre to take effect from September 1


The municipality’s new initiative attempts to manage the amount of cars parking in the city centre’s streets as well as increase revenues. Prague, Stuttgart and many other European cities have already adopted this type of residential parking system. Photo: Casadei Graphics

Brno, May 24 (BD) – “The system to be implemented by Brno supports primarily the protection of residents around their home. It also regulates the long-term parking of vehicles, thus increasing turnover in the necessary places. This increases the probability that people can find a place to park,” said Mayor of Brno Petr Vokřál in an official press release.

The new residential system classifies the people of Brno into three categories: city centre resident, commuter (legal or natural person conducting business in a firm in the city centre), and visitor. Visitors will have to pay 40 crowns for 1 hour of parking in the city centre.

The right to park in the historical centre will cost its residents 600 crowns per year for their first car, 15,000 crowns for their second, and 30,000 crowns for their third. Commuters will pay 6,000 crowns per year for their first vehicle, 30,000 crowns for their second, and 40,000 for their third.

Each resident will be entitled to 100 hours of free parking per year for their visitors.

In order to obtain the status of ‘resident’ or ‘commuter’ on their car registration, people will have to visit the office at Zvonařka or request an electronic account.

In the historical centre of the city, the municipality is preparing to launch this system on September 1, 2018.

Map: Parking in the historical centre. Source: MMB

The areas around Antonínská, třída Kapitána Jaroše and Grohova Streets will also become residential parking zones from November 1, 2018.

Map: Parking – Antonínská, třída Kapitána Jaroše and Grohova Streets. Source: MMB

The Pirate Party, the Brno+ movement, and the “Brno in a Car” association object to the new parking system, local daily Brněnský deník wrote on Tuesday (“Rezidentní parkování? Za oprávnění Brňané zaplatí i desítky tisíc korun”).

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