JIC has been supporting business in South Moravia for 15 years


Over 300 companies with sales of almost CZK 30 billion and nearly 6,500 workers have been supported by the South Moravian Innovation Center (JIC) since its inception in 2003. Photo: JIC Brno

Brno, Jun 18 (BD) – JIC was established as one of the main projects of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the South Moravian Region. Since its foundation, JIC has been working on a project called South Moravian Innovation Ecosystem, which aims to connect startup companies, investors, research and science centers, and public institutions with each other or with international organizations.

JIC has been supporting businesses in all their phases, from startups to well-established mid-sized companies.

Jean Severijns was one of the founding “mentors” of the Brno Innovation Center 15 years ago. “At that time I was totally energized by the initial motivation and enthusiasm of the people who were behind the JIC. When we look at how an innovation center looks after 15 years, I have to say it has grown incredibly. I do not mean in size or in a number of employees; it has grown mainly in terms of professionalism. It is certainly no coincidence that JIC is an important member of European structures such as EBN (European Business & Innovation Center Network),” Severijns said in the official press release.

The “JIC STARCUBE”, for example, is the longest running Czech startup accelerator. Learn more about it in our previous article “9th JIC STARCUBE startup accelerator top prize awarded to VORTEX Systems”.

Another JIC’s project, an open digital laboratory ‘FabLab’, has been enabling the production of a prototype to beginning or developing businesses. ‘FabLab’ is an abbreviation for “Fabrication Laboratory”, or a design lab, and refers to a place equipped with computer-controlled machines that are capable of producing a wide range of products.

Since the lab opened in April 2017, over 1,300 visitors have tested out the available devices. Hundreds of users regularly visit the production lab and dozens of South Moravian schools have participated in guided excursions. Find more in our article “‘FabLab’ for Brno’s DIYers, students and entrepreneurs celebrates 1st year”.

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