29/10 Brno Expat Centre Will Tell You Everything You Need to Know about Using Brno Roads at “Brno On Wheels”


Brno Expat Centre (BEC) invites expats in Brno to an informative seminar at the end of the month on using vehicles in Brno. Photo credit: @BrnoDaily.

The seminar “Brno On Wheels” will cover issues from registration and eligibility of your driver’s license in the Czech Republic to rules about using a bike on the streets of the city. Any question about regulations on various ways to get around in Brno will be answered at the seminar.

“We all need to travel on the streets of Brno. Let’s do it properly,” said Marie Lungova from BEC to Brno Daily. “It’s better to learn the rules with some tea and biscuits than to deal with the Czech speaking police when the problems arise. That’s why we’ve taken many FAQs gathered over the years of consultations and made them into a new seminar,” she explained.

If you are an expat looking to register a car or buy a new one, or simply want tips on the best ways to get a ticket to use public transport in Brno, this seminar organized by the BEC will give you all the information you need on how to travel within Brno.

Title graphics of the BEC Seminar “Brno On Wheels” by Jiří Lubojacký.

When and Where:

Monday, October 29, 2018 at 5:30 PM – 8 PM
Knihovna Jiřího Mahena v Brně Kobližná 4, 601 50 Brno, Czech Republic

You can find more information about the seminar on the official website of Brno Expat Centre.

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