Illegal Use of Drone in the Center of Brno Ends with Property Damage


Officers from the city police went to investigate a man who was flying a drone above a residential area in the centre of Brno. The law prohibits the flight of unmanned vehicles above residential property. Photo credit: Pixabay.

Brno, Dec 4 (BD) – On Friday afternoon a man was seen flying an unmanned drone over Křídlovická. “According to witnesses, he suddenly lost control of the drone and was then left to watch as the machine fell onto a parked vehicle and broke its rear window,” said police spokesman Pavel Šoba. “The man quickly tried to leave the scene, but the patrol caught him. The 32-year-old foreign national was holding a broken drone in his hand, and confessed that his drone had damaged a Volkswagen a few minutes earlier,” Šoba added.

The police informed the owner of the car and explained how to proceed to receive compensation for the damage.

The man will see his badly-damaged drone again during the administrative proceedings, which will likely end in a fine, as “flying unmanned vehicles in residential areas is illegal under Czech law,” explained Šoba.

The flying of unmanned vehicles is governed by many regulations, such as a ban on drones in the vicinity of airports or over military areas.

According to Vítězslav Hezký from the Czech Civil Aviation Authority, “in case of non-compliance with the rules of drone use, offenders can face a penalty of between CZK 50,000 and CZK 5 million.”

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