Video of Brno Police: Man Bares Bottom, Disrespects the Officers


A young man pulled down his pants to expose his behind to an approaching Brno Metropolitan Police vehicle. Photo: MP Brno.

Brno, Feb 14 (BD) – The man in question walked over to a pedestrian crossing, and pulled down his trousers as the Metropolitan Police approached. This then led to him being questioned by the officers.

When questioned, the man showed signs of being drunk, and was using bad language. He also kept reiterating that he did not know what he had done wrong.

The report and video of the incident was uploaded on the official Facebook page of the Metropolitan Police today. Commenters on social media were requesting to know where the man was from, as the man stated first that he was from Brno – he then recanted it saying he was not from Brno.

The Brno Metropolitan Police stated that the man was from Brno-Venkov (Brno-Countryside), and that he “could possibly face a fine up to CZK 10,000 for disrespecting an official, and the same amount could be applied for his disruption of the night peace.” The drunk man was then sent to sober up at a drunk tank (“záchytka”).

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