Tesco Building Nearby Hlavni Nadrazi to be Demolished


The building was bought two years ago by Crestyl, a British developer. Photo credit: KK.

Brno, Mar 21 (BD) – “Last year, we announced that we do not want to make another business center for offices – we wanted to expand on the existing functional use of the old building. That is why we are creating a freely accessible public space, ” said Simon Johnson, the COO of Crestyl according to Czech local news source Brněnská drbna.

After the demolition, the space is planned to have six smaller buildings. Some of the planned usages include office spaces, housing, hotels, restaurants, and shops.

The project also includes revamping the surrounding area of the building, which includes the parking lot, and the hardware store at Uhelná Street.

The first visualizations are expected to be revealed this autumn, Brněnská drbna and other Czech media reported today.

Crestyl is actively involved in the development of more than fifteen locations across the Czech Republic with a total investment value of over EUR 1.2 billion (almost CZK 31 billion). (Read more about how Crestyl bought the Tesco building on our previous article: “Tesco Sells Its Department Store in Brno to British Developer”.)

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