Passengers in Brno to Buy Public Transport Tickets with a Contactless Card From the End of the Year


Paying fines for fare-dodging in Brno has been already been using contactless payment in Brno. As of last May, all City of Brno Transport Company (DPMB) inspectors have been equipped with mobile payment terminals. Now, passengers on Brno’s buses and trams will be able to buy tickets on board and pay by contactless cards. Photo credit: Casadei Graphics.

Brno, Mar 27 (BD) – DPMB has announced that ticket validating machines, with the option to obtain and pay for a ticket by using contactless bank cards, will be installed on public transportation by the end of this year, Czech local news source Brněnská Drbna reported this morning (“Ve vozech MHD půjde od konce roku koupit jednorázové jízdenky bezkontaktní kartou”).

In Brno public transport vehicles, so-called “validators” [“validátory”] will be installed at the end of the year. The validators will allow buying a one-time ticket using a contactless card.

Validators will also have a system for marking the tickets, so the current ticket marking machines will disappear from the vehicles.

The on-board tickets will cost 25 crowns per hour, similar as the ones bought outside of the vehicles. A passenger traveling less than 15 minutes will pay 20 crowns, according to Brněnská Drbna.

Brno transport company has announced a competition for a machine and software supplier. Businesses will submit their bids by mid-April. DPMB plans to buy 3,000 validators, and the expected cost is between CZK 40 and 50 million. Half of the cost is expected to be covered by a subsidy, Brněnská Drbna wrote.

Next year, passengers should have the possibility to pay for a ticket with a contactless card throughout the whole South Moravian region.

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