Public Transport WiFi Limit to be Increased


The Brno Transport Company (DPMB) will continue with more testing, and has decided to increase the data limit for the WiFi available on public transportation. Photo credit: Casadei Graphics.

Brno, Apr 8 (BD) – DPMB says that the system testing will continue, and is implementing the increase in the data limit to 100 MB – as reported by Czech TV on April 5.

The trial period began on February 1, 2019. During the initial phase of the trial period, the passengers were able to use up to 4 MB, per single connection – as we reported on our previous story, “Free WiFi on Brno City Transport; Trial Starts on Friday”.

A press release from DPMB stated, “the main purpose of the service is to provide passengers with up-to-date traffic information or to find information about the necessary connections.” The data limit should be sufficient to use DPMBInfo or IDOS, provided a connection can be made, or to use messenger services like WhatsApp.

However, the free WiFi had mixed reviews from passengers. One passenger told Brno Daily, “It was working on the bus on my way to work, after some seconds of watching an ad about 150 years of public transport and logging in. It was valid for 20 minutes, more than enough for my ride.”

On the other hand, some complained about the inability to connect, while others complained about the small amount of data. Read more on people’s opinions on the WiFi during the trial period on our story, “Reality Check: New Free WiFi Service on Brno’s Public Transport”.

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