Rain and Warmth After Chilly Days in Brno


The temperatures reached uncommon lows for this season, hovering around 6 to 9°C below the national average during this period. Slight rises in the temperature are expected in the next few days, paired with rain. Photo credit: Casadei Graphics.

Brno, May 10 (BD) – The thermometer was just above 0°C earlier this week, at only 1°C. According to the data collected between the 1981-2010 from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), the minimal temperature for the month of May is usually 10°C. It’s not the coldest temperature recorded yet: in May 2017, a temperature reading as low as  0.2°C was reached in some areas of Brno.

Unfortunately, this cold period will probably stay for one more week. The upcoming nights are forecasted to have temperatures below 10°C. During the day time, however, temperatures are expected to get warmer and rise up until 18 – 19 °C in the next few days. Although, the expected rain showers will probably lower the forecasted temperatures.

Although it is unusual, this wave of cold temperature during the month of May might not be so uncommon as we think: since the middle age there was a belief that some days in May were suddenly colder than the others. Galileo Galilei even tried to prove this theory, recording the highest and lowest temperatures between 1655 and 1670, looking for a foreseeable trend. Later studies from 1902 debunked the theory, proving that it was a hoax created by a faulty selection of datas, but the belief remained.

Till this day, the period between 11th and 14th of May are known in different Central Europe countries as the Ice Saints day: the last bite of cold before the summer can finally start.

Prepared by Manuele Siciliano & Zenon Moreau.

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