1500 km Hike to Experience Artwork First Hand – Migrating Art Historians


Brno, June 7 (BD) – A group of art students from Masaryk University has decided to take a little hike to experience French medieval art first hand. A 1500 kilometers route through France and Switzerland consists of visiting numerous Abbeys and workshops from experts on Middle Ages including Hans Belting, Michele Bacci, Cynthia Hahn and many others.

So far, in their 4-month journey, the group has reached a 1000-kilometer mark, following the pilgrimage routs in Central Europe. One of the personal discoveries the group has attained was a human decency of people met on the path. The students have met people that would host 12 foreign travelers in their homes, providing food and shelter for the night.

The pilgrims have started an Indiegogo campaign that aims to raise funds for some of the projects connected to their blissful journey. Firstly, each week, starting from April 27 there would be a short movie available to general public on the phenomenon of pilgrimage and the journey young travelers are on. Then, there is the book that is to be written by students themselves with the help of leading experts in content writing. For more detailed information about the journey, videos and photos, please visit the official website of the “Migrating Art Historians” project.

Migrating Art Historians, trailer EN subtitles, YouTube

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