Saturday Tip: Multilingual Karaoke Night


Warm up your voice and get ready to join the most exciting multicultural Karaoke party. This Saturday Živo u Palečka invites you to pick your favorite song in any language and have an amazing singing party until late night hours!

Why would you want to go there? First, you’ll have the chance to sing our favorite song with friends in front of a real audience and entertain everyone. Music brings people together so it’s a great chance to meet old friends and make new ones. Just imagine singing your favorite track from 90’s and all the other people singing along, sharing your love for music!

The karaoke night wouldn’t be complete without a professional live. Solo musician Diana Lazareva will perform during the night and set the perfect mood with her unconventional music style which she describes as “a mash-up of art-rock, blues and Chopin’s romanticism, performed by Hamlet”.

The party starts at 10:00 PM, this Saturday June 10, 2017 at Živo u Palečka, Koliště 23, Brno. The music club offers great drinks, good beer and often hosts music events, exhibitions, or readings. You can find the program here.

Title Picture: By Hinnerk R, Hinnerk Rümenapf (photo taken and uploaded by Hinnerk Rümenapf) [GFDL (].

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