
Brno, August 8 (BD) – A municipal waste tax introduced in Brno in 2002 has, over the years, collected over 3 billion crowns. In order to keep the city clean and presentable, the citizens must contribute to the city budget 670 crowns per person every year.

In 2017, a total of 221 million crowns of estimated 241 was gathered. 91% of the expected expense is covered, which indicates the readiness to pay of Brno citizens. Every year, the Brno Municipality manages to collect 100% of the expected amount, official city website Brno.cz informed last week.

The deadline for the calendar year of 2017 was May 31. 347,000 people have already paid. 30,000 people need to pay the fee yet.

The tax administrator allows to register an email address on the website to those taxpayers who want to be informed about changes regarding the municipal waste fee and to be alerted about deadlines. So far, 16,000 email addresses have been registered.

The basic fee for this year was 670 crowns per person. A reduced fee for children up to 3 years of age and seniors over 70 was 500 CZK.

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