09/23 Orcs Are Seizing Špilberk! Festival And Exhibition For Fantasy Fans


Snaga tribe, a tribe of orcs, will let you experience their life at firsthand! The courtyards of Špilberk will turn this Saturday into the fantasy land of the creatures well-known to all fans of Tolkien books. Photo: Pixabay

Festival One Tribe (Jeden kmen) that takes place September 23 is a trigger of an exhibition lasting from this Saturday until February 2018.

Orc’s open-air festival starting tomorrow at 12:00 is a realistic portrayal of ordinary life in Snaga tribe. You can be a part of a tournament in the battle arena, have an insight into medieval crane work or into shooting a bow or you can be a witness of an old shaman’s vow. Music such as Deloraine, Vintage Wine, Postcards from Arkham, Trolíla and the band Jeden kmen will shake your senses to the core.

Better to know if you want to join orcs at Špilberk

Official website of Jeden kmen informs that there are plenty of tickets since Špilberk offers plenty of space. Tickets will be available also on the spot. Once having a ticket, it will be exchanged for a festival wristband which will ensure you can leave and come back during the day.

Tolkien indicates, orcs are always hungry. Therefore beer, tea, coffee, something for sweet-toothy orcs, even vegetarian orcs and grilled specialties for “ordinary” orcs are at your disposal.

The complex opens at 12:00, the official program starts at 12:30. The exhibition begins between 15:45 and 16:45 and then, let the music play!

Fancy wearing a costume? You are welcomed! Other orcs-organizers would really appreciate it but it is not obligatory.

Detailed program available here.

Artwork mapping orcs’ camp life tells a story

The exhibition combines photographic work, music, stories and digital art in a web-designed environment. It brings visitors into a story that is rather felt than told. Thanks to music, props, and pictures you will become of them, a member of Snaga tribe!

Exhibition and festival idea stems from Tolkien’s books but it evolved into its own elaborated story and life. Some parts had been developed for 5 years. You can prepare yourself for camp – Maudhul, path – Ogh, fight – Maukum, ritual – Kaushatar, and funeral – Vorroz.

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