Number of foreigners in Brno keeps growing


Country’s economic expansion means that the number of foreigners living here is increasing. Photo: @BrnoDaily

Brno, Nov 27 (BD) – Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, offers many career and educational opportunities as it is home of a vast number of international companies searching for multilingual employees and quality schools.

World-known universities such as Masaryk University, Brno University of Technology, and Mendel University are based in Brno.

In addition to that, good climate, relatively low cost of living, and plenty of cultural facilities make the city attractive for both tourists and people seeking to relocate here.

Expats usually find a job in Brno first, and then they discover the city. The international companies in Brno hire agencies to find talents all over the world. Expats hear about a good offer, research Brno and then make a decision to move,” executive manager of Brno Expat Centre Jan Kopkáš explains.

“Others move for personal reasons: they have friends, family or partners living here already. Some come for studies (such as Erasmus stay) and then, they return later to build their careers here,” he adds.

The Ministry of Interior keeps a statistic in the official Foreign Police registry. According to the data (latest update Sep. 30, 2017), there are 29,171 foreigners from more than 150 countries living in the Brno-City district (Brno-město).

The biggest nationality groups in Brno are Ukrainian (6,838 registered people), Slovakian (6,066), and Vietnamese (2,800). These three groups combined make up more than a half registered foreigners living in Brno-City district.

In the Brno-Country district (Brno-venkov), Ministry of Interior reports a total of 5,386 registered foreigners.

The percentage of female/male foreign population is 42% and 58% respectively in both Brno-City and Brno-Country districts. The numbers indicate a substantial gap between the sexes.

The statistics of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) show that in the end of 2016, there were 27,143 foreigners in Brno-City. Out of that number, 11,430 were women.

CZSO reports that the biggest number of foreigners in Brno is between the ages 15 and 64, as many foreigners in their older age return to their home countries.

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