
Grand Cubana Festival stands for over eight hours of dance workshops and a ‘grand’ Latino-themed party. Photo: Pixabay

Ninth Grand Cubana Festival features broader program than the previous editions such as workshops for Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, Semba, Reggaeton, and Zouk.

‘Grand Cubana’ has been attended by 2.800 visitors over the years.

This time, workshops’ capacity has been limited to 60 people per workshop for attendants’ comfort. The organizers offer 30 places to women and 30 to men.

The tickets for women have been already booked. It is still possible to register on the waiting list. The price at the gate is 950 CZK, however, there is no guarantee of free places.

Places for men are still available and cost 880 CZK (online registration).

The party program is open to everybody – no registration needed! So, if you would still like to enjoy the atmosphere, prepare 80 CZK, and come to Taneční studio Stolárna for the Grand Cubana Gala Party.

You can find more information about the festival and registration on this link or on the Facebook event.

When: January 20-21

Where: Taneční studio Stolárna (Olomoucká 14, Brno)

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