8/2 February MeetUp by Foreigners Brno


Being in a different country, away from home can be a strange feeling. It can be hard to adjust to a new reality, habits, other culture and other language.

Foreigners is a company that helps expats to fulfill their needs. Every month they organize a “MeetUp” that aims to connect foreigners and encourage them to network in Brno.

It is a special opportunity for expats who want to practice English or are just in a new city and want to meet new people and have fun.

This month the MeetUp will take place on Thursday, February 8th.

Entrance is free, but to attend the MeetUp, you need to register with this form.

On their Facebook page, the organisers of Foreigners mention, “Everyone is welcome to spend this enjoyable evening in international company”.

“Students, workers, moms, dads, couples, singles,… – join us,” they add.

If you want more information you can check the official website or the event’s Facebook page here.

***This will be a non-smoking event***

Prepared by Anastasia Alexandridou

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