Moravian Gallery in Brno

Moravian Gallery in Brno


 Museums / Posted 7 years ago by BD Staff / 1590 views

The Moravian Gallery in Brno is the second largest art museum in the Czech Republic, established in 1961. It is situated in five buildings: Pražák Palace, designed by Theophil von Hansen and built for the Brno politician Alois Pražák in 1873-1874, Governor’s Palace, an Augustinian monastery built in the mid-14th century, Museum of Applied Arts, built in 1882 to house the oldest museum of applied arts in Bohemia and Moravia, Jurkovič House, built in 1906 and Josef Hoffmann Museum, the childhood home of architect Josef Hoffmann.

The entrance is free to permanent exhibitions: Pražák Palace, Museum of Applied Arts, Governor’s Palace. You can click here for detailed tickets price and the ongoing exhibitions.

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