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PopularPosted 7 years ago
BURANTEATR focuses on producing classic and original plays. It was founded in 2003 by a group...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1282 views

Brno Observatory and Planetarium
PopularPosted 7 years ago
Find digital planetarium, story of the solar system, astronomical observation point, small planetarium, observation deck -...
Observatories / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1944 views

Posted 7 years ago
The opening ceremony for the Brno City Museum was held on Sunday 18 September 1904. The...
Museums / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1702 views

Posted 7 years ago
Already in the period of the “First Republic”, there were tendencies to create the second drama...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1389 views

Posted 7 years ago
The Bolek Polívka Theatre was established in September 17, 1993 by one well-known actor of Brno,...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1418 views

Posted 7 years ago
At the Table Theatre (Divadlo U stolu) performs on the basement of Centrum experimentálního divadla (the...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1240 views

Anthropos Pavilion
PopularPosted 7 years ago
The Anthropos Pavilion was built in 1962 for the exhibition of the same name created by...
Museums / Brno-Pisárky / 3077 views