Kino Scala
PopularPosted 7 years ago
The cinema, originally called Bio Dopz (short for Society of trade and industrial workers/Družstvo obchodních a...
Cinemas / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1887 views

KFC Nám. Svobody
PopularPosted 6 years ago
KFC - Fast-food restaurant on Freedom Square
Pubs and Restaurants / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 545 views

KFC Masarykova
PopularPosted 6 years ago
KFC - Fast-food restaurant on the corner of Masarykova and Nádražní - at Brno Central Station
Pubs and Restaurants / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 526 views

Kávová Hvězda
PopularPosted 6 years ago
In front of Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Cafes and Bars / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 472 views

Kavárna Trojka
PopularPosted 6 years ago
Iconic Brno café and pub
Cafes and Bars / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 480 views

Kavárna Spolek
PopularPosted 6 years ago
Café on Orlí street
Cafes and Bars / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 546 views

Kavárna Praha
PopularPosted 6 years ago
Moravian gallery café, alternative
Cafes and Bars / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 507 views

Kavárna Pod hodinami
PopularPosted 6 years ago
Café on Česká street
Cafes and Bars / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 462 views

Kavárna Kopi Luwak
PopularPosted 6 years ago
Café that serves civet coffee
Cafes and Bars / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 444 views