Backpack with 300,000 Euros Found in Rest Area in Slovakia


Bratislava, Aug 10 (CTK) – The Slovak police are investigating the case of the find of 300,000 euros in a backpack left on the Strba motorway rest area and found by an employee of its petrol station in late July, the commercial television station Markiza said yesterday. Photo: Sam Forson

The owner of the money has claimed it, but he will have to explain its origin, Markiza said.

It was left on the place by Stefan Hlinka, former head of the Slovak Railways and now a member of the supervisory board of the Cargo Slovakia firm.

The daily Pravda has said the firm has not confirmed the information.

“Our company is unable to express any position on the question of the loss of the financial sum at the petrol station near Strba, just like on the alleged owner of the money,” the office of the Cargo general director said.

“This is why it entirely distances itself from the case. It is unaware of any connection with its activities, those of its staff or people working in its bodies,” it added.

The office confirmed that Hlinka was on its supervisory board, but he had been appointed to it by the Transport Ministry.

“He is not our employee and we do not know anything of his having claimed the money as its owner,” the head of the office said.

Hlinka has been on the supervisory board since 2012. In his tax return for 2013, he said his income was 71,600 euros.

The information has leaked from the investigation that Hlinka had said the money was in the house of his late mother.


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