Brno Municipality Takes Over Collection Of Textile For Recycling


Brno Municipality wants to gather more clothing for the citizens in need and will take over the containers for textile recycling from private companies. Photo: Pixabay

Brno, Sep 14 (BD) – Most of the textile containers in the streets of Brno are owned by private companies. “They have contracts with the city districts. We have contacted them and agreed that once their contracts are over, the private containers would be replaced with ones owned by the municipality,” Deputy Mayor Martin Ander explained to yesterday.

The new containers will be available next spring. The municipality owned company SAKO will collect and take care of the used clothing. The apparel and toys will be offered to charity organizations or will be sent to the third world countries.

In cooperation with a textile bank Baltazar, the apparel will be sent directly to people in need. “We also work with other organizations, shelters, and social workers. They send us clothes most often for the homeless. Approximately a half of the clothing comes from the collection containers we currently manage. The rest of the clothes are directly donated or come from other sources ,” Baltazar Textile Bank Manager, Filip Habrman said.

The number of containers, cost of their purchase and new system of collection will be published by the city before the project is launched.

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