Share the Christmas spirit with those in need


Find here some of many ways to help those less fortunate around the world. Photo: náměstí Svobody, @BrnoDaily

Brno, Nov 28 (BD) – Today is the fifth annual “Giving Tuesday”, often stylized as #GivingTuesday for purposes of hashtag activism. An international day of giving at the beginning of the holiday season was first coined in 2012 as a response to consumerism in the US post-Thanksgiving season (Black Friday and Cyber Monday).

If you want to make the world a little brighter, you can help people in need to have better Christmas. Find here some of many ways how you can help the others.

Donating clothes in Brno

You can put the clothes you don’t need any more in the blue or red donation bins. The blue bins belong to Diocesan Charity Brno (Diecézní charita Brno) and the red ones to the Red Cross (Červený kříž). These items are given to people in need. You can donate clothes, shoes, bags, tablecloths, blankets, or curtains if everything is clean and good for further use.

Find more about donating clothes in our article Donating Clothes in Brno.

Helping the homeless and people in need

Another way to directly help the homeless and people in need is to buy a 50 CZK street magazine Nový Prostor. Nový Prostor or “New Space” takes its know-how from the Big Issue, the British street magazine sold by the homeless.

Dagmar Kocmánková, the co-founder of Nový Prostor, says homelessness continues to be a serious problem in the country, with local authorities trying to push the homeless out of the city instead of addressing the problem (source:

If you do not have the opportunity to buy Nový Prostor in your district or you can’t get every number, order a subscription here.

Wednesdays in Brno are dedicated to the local charities at the Christmas time. Every Wednesday from 12.30 to 14.30, there will be money boxes at náměstí Svobody. The contributions will help people in need (Diocesan Charity Brno), children (children’s home Dagmar), and people with disabilities (sdružení Vodicí pes that trains guide dogs).

At the Christmas trees at náměstí Svobody and Dominikánské náměstí, there are traditional red charity money collection boxes of the Czech Red Cross. Contributions will be used for helping children from “SOS villages”, seniors, and socially disadvantaged families

Make wishes of children from children’s homes come true

Beautifully decorated cards with messages and wishes of the children from sv. Markéty children’s home are hanging on a Christmas tree at the Orlí Shopping Gallery. Anyone who wants to fulfill a child’s Christmas wish can choose one of the cards, buy a gift, and write a note to a child.

You can find these special Christmas trees of Diocesan Charity Brno at three places in Brno:

  • Česká spořitelnya, Jánská 6, Brno, 22/11.–22/12. 2017,
  • Obchodní Galerie Orlí, Orlí 3, Brno, 6/12–13/12 2017,
  • Nákupní centrum Královo Pole, Cimburkova 4, Brno, 2/12–22/12 2017.

Christmas is a great opportunity to remember that everyone deserves a piece of happiness, and to offer a helping hand to those in need.

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