Help animal shelters in the cold winter months


Help homeless dogs, cats, and other animals through the winter. Photo: @BrnoDaily

Brno, Nov 28 (BD) – Most of the time, they take care of themselves, scavenging and hunting for their meals while also depending on the kindnesses of animal lovers, but things can get a lot chancier when the weather turns frigid. With cold weather approaching, abandoned animals depend greatly on our support.

Psíhvě online pet shop organizes the animal charity “Keep shelter animals warm!” [Zahřejme zvířátka v útulcích!].

Since last Friday, Psí hvězda has been collecting blankets, used dog and cat sweaters and clothes, or towels for animals in need.

Shelters can always use some extra supplies. If you have spare pet toys, harnesses, leashes, and dog beds, bring them too!

The items will be donated to the animal shelters.

Please, bring or send donated items at:

Juliánovské nám. 2, 636 00 Brno

Nov. 24 – Dec. 8, from 8 AM to 7 PM

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