The Toy Museum
PopularPosted 7 years ago
The Toy Museum opened in October 2010, when the Brno City Museum - after a successful...
Museums / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1702 views

Posted 7 years ago
The opening ceremony for the Brno City Museum was held on Sunday 18 September 1904. The...
Museums / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1692 views

Mahen Theatre (Mahenovo divadlo)
PopularPosted 7 years ago
Mahen Theatre is a part of the National Theatre in Brno. It was built in 1882...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1982 views

Reduta Theatre (Divadlo Reduta)
PopularPosted 7 years ago
The Reduta Theatre (Divadlo Reduta), is a theatre situated in Brno, Czech Republic. It is a...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1404 views

Posted 7 years ago
Janáček Theatre is a part of the National Theatre in Brno. When opened, Janáček Theatre was...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1583 views

Posted 7 years ago
Already in the period of the “First Republic”, there were tendencies to create the second drama...
Theaters / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 1379 views

NON STOP Pharmacy Koliště
PopularPosted 7 years ago
Koliště Medical Clinics and Healthcare Store is a permanent emergency pharmacy in Brno, working 24/7, even...
Pharmacies / Brno-Zábrdovice / 2216 views

Dr. Max Pharmacy
PopularPosted 7 years ago
With more than 400 branches, which represent about 15% of all domestic public pharmacies, Dr. Max...
Pharmacies / Brno-střed (Brno city center) / 2275 views

Pharmacy Lékárna u Elišky
PopularPosted 7 years ago
Pharmacy Lékárna u Elišky offers you consultation and complete pharmacy service, constantly updated year-round discounts on...
Pharmacies / Brno-Královo Pole / 1434 views