Rapid Re-Housing Pilot Project Has Helped Poor Families and Saved CZK 1.5 Million of Public Money6 years ago
Two-kilometre Ice Trail for Skaters on ‘Prygl’ to be Regularly Maintained by a New Ice Resurfacer6 years ago
Developer Cuts Down Trees at Brno Central Station, Sparking Public Outrage and Potentially Incurring a Large Fine6 years ago
Markéta Vaňková Elected as the New Mayor of Brno at First Constituent Assembly of New City Government6 years ago
Czech Minimum Wage to Rise to CZK 13,350 in January; Labour Minister Maláčová Calls for an Automatic Yearly Increase6 years ago
November 17 in Photos: Brno Witnessed Memorial Events and a Protest against the Prime Minister6 years ago