Jolly Christmas novelties are coming to Brno


A 60 years old tree, ice rink near Jošt, the longest letter to Baby Jesus or Christmas culinary delights from all around the world? All these things will sum up Christmas at Zelný trh and Moravské náměstí. Featured: Christmas markets in Brno. Photo: Michal Růžička, TICmB

Brno, Nov 9 (BD) – As we know, Christmas and four preceding Sundays mark the Advent season. During this year’s Advent period – a time of festivities, Brno will turn into a glimmering winter wonderland. One-of-a-kind gifts, handicrafts, and much more will be at your fingerprints since November 24.

Very traditional, yet enriched by foreign customs

The Christmas tree at Zelný trh will be a 60 years old and 25-meter tall silver spruce. The tree lighting up ceremony will take place on November 24 at 6 PM. In contrast to previous years, 2017 Christmas will highlight and unify merry atmosphere with the style of decorations even more than before. Therefore the market stalls, stall displays, costumes of merchandisers and the entire event will be designed in the corresponding manner. You won’t miss the Christmas spirit!

Eva Skácelová, coordinator of the event, introduced some other innovations in an official press release: “Visitors can enjoy Christmas customs even from abroad – through theatrical performance or the taste of foreign Christmas dishes.”

A play “Brno folk-tales” is also new in the programme. Actors will portray urban legends directly at the market and play knowledge quizzes with passers-by.

Skácelová adds: “Together with children, we will try to make the longest list of Christmas wishes in a letter to Baby Jesus” (as we do not write to Santa).

Little Christmas shopping never killed nobody

According to the official press release, not only traditional holiday goods will be sold, but also some other tempting items. Czech cider, hot natural lemonade, special chocolate treats, wood craftwork figurines of elves and fairies, natural scents and …are you already excited? Browse the variety of Christmas one-of-a-kinds by yourself!

Moreover, Christmas market stalls at Zelný trh will be smoothly connected with the marketplace building opened since this summer. Let yourself blend with the flow of people and follow them from within outdoor market stalls into the market building. Sure, Christmas is not about shopping. Nevertheless, a little Christmas shopping never killed nobody.

“Náš Ježíšek” elicits traditional spiritual mood

Christmas is about many things. From shopping, decorations, through snow and sledding to the act of enjoying the holidays. However, Christmas in Czechia is still more or less associated with the birth of Jesus. In recent years, traditional depictions of Baby Jesus rather than Santa Claus are used for reusable cups and mugs of hot drinks, and also as an overall symbol of Christmas. Náš Ježíšek (Our Baby Jesus) initiative tries to find harmony between traditions, original atmosphere, and pressures of modern European Christmas marketing. Náš Ježíšek (Our Baby Jesus) has accompanied Brno Christmas markets for the last three years.

Make Christmas holly-jolly for others, too

Moravské náměstí will be a center of cooperation and help. To dig deep into your tender heart – that’s an opportunity Christmas market at “Moravák” presents, too. Tomáš Plavčík, the main organiser, provides more details in the official statement: “This year we will focus on aid to non-profit and charity organizations. Come and visit e.g. antiquarian bookshop or any other events. Make yourself and others happy by helping.”

Ice skating in the city center

Among major news is also an ice rink of 800 m2 at Moravské náměstí. The statue of Margrave Jošt will be a spectator of ice skating as well, as there is another ice skating rink opening there. “The city bought a new technology that allows ice skating up to 13° C, and that’s not commonplace technology. It offers Brno citizens a great opportunity to ice skate in any weather,” JUDr. Michaela Dumbrovská, first deputy of Brno-střed informs.

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