Czech Republic ranked as the 22nd most socially advanced country worldwide, according to the 2017 Social Progress Index


The 2017 Social Progress Index, which includes data from 128 countries all over the world, rated the Czech Republic 22nd in terms of social progress, behind countries such as Denmark (1st place), Finland (2nd place), Iceland (3rd place), Norway (4th place), and Switzerland (5th place). Photo credit: Pixabay

Brno, Jul 15 (BD) – The latest 2017 index (published June 20, 2017) is based on “social and environmental indicators that capture three dimensions of social progress: Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunity”, comparing them to 15 peer countries with a similar GDP per capita to “identify the country’s relative strengths and weaknesses”, according to its official website.

By this measure, Czech Republic ranked as the 5th most socially advanced among countries with a similar GDP per capita, behind New Zealand (9th place overall), Spain (16th place) and Portugal (20th place).

Map of 2017 Social Progress Index results

Among the country’s strengths, highlighted in this scorecard, are: the high percentage of tertiary students enrolled in globally ranked universities; a positive and tolerant attitude to homosexuality; low levels of violent crime; the high quality of electricity supply; and the high number of internet users. Some of the weaknesses highlighted included categories such as: the suicide rate; tolerance for immigrants; religious tolerance; greenhouse gas emissions; the number of deaths attributable to air pollution; and years of tertiary schooling.

The Czech Republic’s indicators were compared with those of Slovenia (21st place), Cyprus (27th place), Slovakia (30th place), Spain (16th place), Israel (29th place), Estonia (23rd place), Portugal (20th place), Lithuania (35th place), Republic of Korea (26th place), Russia (67th place), Poland (32nd place), Greece (33rd place), Malaysia (50th place), New Zealand (9th place) and Italy (24th place), which means that Czech Republic is the 5th most socially advanced among the ones with similar GDP per capita.

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