Extreme Weather Increases the Risk of Blackout


Brno, August 11 (BD) – The Czech electricity system is working under increasing pressure and the risk of a blackout is getting higher these days.

The risk is getting higher with extreme weather conditions such as storms, strong frost or floods in combination with other adverse circumstances. The distribution network works like a tangle of water channels and tanks. Production and consumption must be constantly in equilibrium and a more massive wave can cause a cascading effect, Dotyk.cz reports.

The government is also aware of the growing danger. “Our system is working at the limit of its technical capabilities right now,” ČEPS press spokesman Barbora Peterová warns, “and there are no safe periods,” she adds. ČEPS is operating the Czech transmission system.

The recent storms caused electricity malfunctions in many areas of Brno during the nighttime. The bad weather is expected to continue and Brno will see a few more stormy nights.

Last night was very demanding for the South Moravian firefighters

At the most critical time before midnight, the members of our operating center sent the units into action every ten seconds.

In total, firemen resolved over 350 cases last night.

Title Picture: Pexels.com

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