Strong frosts create demand for homeless shelters


Strong frost has increased the need for accommodation among Brno’s homeless, but fortunately Brno’s facilities have had sufficient capacity thus far. Credit: Diecézní charita Brno

Brno, Feb 28 (BD) – Armáda spásy, the Salvation Army charity, provides accommodations with 42 beds (30 for males and 12 for females) at Mlýnská 25 in Brno. “In Brno, the staff of the day centre of the Salvation Army has canceled its noon breaks so that people don’t have to freeze outside,” Czech Salvation Army director Jan František Krupa announced in this week’s press release. You can support the Salvation Army and its activities here.

The Diecézní charita dormitory in Brno at 58 Bratislavská Street offers 24 beds for men and 10 for women. The price is 30 crowns per night. Information on how to help this charity can be found here.

The City of Brno runs other day centres and dormitories on Masná Street and Podnásepní Street which are larger than the ones on Bratislavská.

Extreme frosts will continue this week.

People often ask how they can help when they see the homeless sitting or lying on the street. Armáda spásy published a few pieces of advice on what to do:

  • Talk to the person – do not be afraid to ask whether he/she is well, whether he/she is coherent, and what is happening.
  • Call a rescue worker – if the person is disoriented, or cannot talk or walk, call quickly for emergency services.
  • Offer help – if the person communicates with you, ask if he or she needs food, clothing or a warm drink.
  • Contact social workers – even if a homeless person does not want to talk to you and refuses assistance. The
  • Salvation Army and similar organizations that provide a field program have experience in communicating with homeless people and offering them prompt help.
  • Donate winter clothing – including shoes, socks, and underwear.
  • Purchase a “Nocleženka” [night accommodation voucher] – a voucher will allow them to spend the night in any Salvation Army Dormitory across the Czech Republic. This also entitles them to a warm drink, soup, and the opportunity to take a shower and get warm clothes.

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